Blue Danube Meat-Tinis


Ring in the New Year in true Blue Danube style with our DIY Covid-Friendly Personal Charcuterie Flutes!


Try all Four:

  • Fruity Meat-Tini

  • Candy Meat-Tini

  • Meaty Meat-Tini

  • Boozy Meat-Tini


Fruity Meat-Tini

Fruity Meat-Tini.jpeg



  • Fill the bottom of your champagne flute with Grapes, alternating the colours. Fill about 1/3 of the flute.

  • Add in Blueberries. Fill another 1/3 of the flute.

  • Make your skewer! Fold up a slice of Blue Danube Smoked Pork Schinken and put it on the skewer. Next, add a Strawberry. Roll up a slice of Blue Danube Smoked Pork Back Bacon and pierce it through the skewer. Next, add a Grape. Fold and add another slice of Back Bacon and finish off your skewer with a Blueberry. Place the skewer inside the flute.

  • If you still have space left in the flute, add more Berries or Grapes.

  • Serve & Enjoy!


Candy Meat-Tini

Candy Meatini.jpeg



  • Fill 1/3 of the bottom of the flute with Skittles

  • Fill up another 1/3 of the flute with Gummy Bears

  • Make the Skewer! Fold up one slice of Blue Danube Dry Pork Schinken and add it to the skewer. Fold up a Sour Strap Candy and add it next. Fold up and add a Blue Danube Turista Salami to the skewer. Then, add a Sour Key and a rolled up Blue Danube Back Bacon. Next, add 3 Life Saver Gummies. Finally, top it off with a folded Blue Danube Hot Gyulai Salami for some added spice! Put the Skewer into the flute.

  • If there’s any space left in the flute, fill it up with Gummy Bears or Skittles.

  • Serve & Enjoy!

Meaty Meat-Tini

Meat Lovers Meat-Tini.jpeg



  • Cut up Blue Danube Crocodile Csabettes into 1inch pieces. Fill up 1/3 of the flute with Csabettes.

  • Dice up your Cheese into small cubes. Fill up another 1/3 of the flute with cubed cheese.

  • Make the skewer! Start by folding up a Blue Danube Hot Gyulai Salami slice and putting it onto the skewer. Next, add a folded up slice of Blue Danube Smoked Pork Schinken and a slice of Blue Danube Hunter Sausage. Roll up a piece of Blue Danube Smoked Turista Salami and put it onto the skewer, followed by a folded up Blue Danube Garlic Salami and a rolled up Blue Danube Smoked Pork Back Bacon. Add another piece of Hunter Sausage to seal the deal. Put the skewer into the flute!

  • Stick in a few Pretzel sticks.

  • If there is any extra space, fill with Csabettes or Cheese.

  • Serve & Enjoy!

Boozy Meat-Tini

Boozy Meattini.jpeg



  • If desired, salt the rim of your flute!

  • Add a bit of ice to your flute

  • Add in a few shakes of Tabasco sauce (to your liking)

  • Add in a few shakes of Worchestire sauce (to your liking)

  • Add 0.5 - 1 ounce of Vodka in your flute (depending on how strong you want it).

  • Stir!

  • Add in Clamato Juice to fill up about 2/3 of the flute.

  • Shake in some salt & pepper (to your liking)

  • Stir!

  • Make the Skewer! Start with a folded piece of Blue Danube Smoked Pork Back Bacon. Next, add on a slice of Blue Danube Hunter Sausage. Then, add a cube of cheese and a Hot Pepper. Fold up a Blue Danube Hot Gyulai Salami and a Blue Danube Smoked Pork Schinken and add them to the skewer. Followed by another slice of Hunter Sausage, and another slice of Gyulai Salami. Put the skewer into the flute and position it so that as much of the skewer is outside of the liquid as possible.

  • Serve & enjoy!


Autumn Charcuterie Board


Autumn is for Grazing Delicious Local Foods.

Follow my Easy Step-by-Step guide to create your own Autumn or Holiday Charcuterie Board



  • Blue Danube Smoked Turkey Breast - Sliced - Approx. 300gr

  • Blue Danube Smoked Turkey Csabettes - 1 Package

  • Blue Danube Smoked Pork Schinken - Sliced - 1 Package 150gr

  • Blue Danube Smoked Pork Back Bacon - Sliced - 1 Package 150gr

  • Blue Danube Dry Cured Pork Neck - Sliced - 1 Package 150gr

  • Blue Danube Emmental Cheese - Approx 150gr

  • Rex Ciborum Foie Gras Patte - 1 countainer

  • Cranberry Goat Cheese

  • Round Whole Wheat Crackers & Rectangle Vegetable Crackers

  • Butter Tarts - Butter, Rhaspberry & Lime

  • Figs

  • Apple - 1pc

  • Fall decorative items - have fun with it! Pinecones, leaves, pumpkins, etc.

  • Serving knife/spoon for goat cheese

  • Charcuterie Board


Deciding whether to put your non-edible decorations on your board before or after you place your edible products is totally up to you!

When I’m going to be mobile with a board (creating it ahead of time or bringing it somewhere), I always create the board with edible items first and then add all non-edible decorations once I’m setting the board up in the place where it will be displayed.

In this recipe, I’ve added the decorations first because this particular board is quite heavy and is difficult to lift when adding leaves underneath it. So, I found it easier to place all of the decorations underneath it while it was still empty.

Again, it’s totally up to you, but I recommend not mixing non-edible and edible items directly on your board unless it is extremely obvious which items are and aren’t edible. On this board, I only put non-edible decorations around the outside edges.



I always recommend to add your meat items first to make sure you have a good serving of meat on your board!


For this Board, I placed all of my meat items around the edges of the board - leaving a narrow, empty space in the middle of the board (which I later filled with crackers)

  • Start with the Blue Danube Smoked Turkey Csabettes. Divide your package up into two halves. Cut the first half up into 1-2cm pieces. Spread them out on your board and layer the Csabettes on top of each other.

  • Cut the other half of the Csabettes package into longer sticks (approx 2-3 inches). Lay these pieces out side-by-side on a different part of the board. Add at least one extra layer on top of that one (layed out like logs).

  • Next, split your sliced Sliced Blue Danube Smoked Turkey Breast into two piles. Take one pile and roll each slice into a roll up. Lay the roll ups onto your board side-by-side.

  • Take the other half of your sliced Smoked Turkey Breast and fold each slice into half. Fan out the folded Turkey slices onto your board.

  • Next, open your package of Blue Danube Smoked Pork Schinken and, again, split your package into two. Take one half of the package and roll up the Schinken into roll ups. Lay the roll ups onto your board.

  • Take the other half of the Schinken and fold each slice in half. Fan the folded slices onto your board.

  • Open your package of Blue Danube Dry Cured Neck and split the package in half. Take one half of the package and fold each slice in half. Fan out the folded slices on the board.

  • Take the other half of the Dry Cured Neck and fan out each slice flat onto the board. I like to display this meat as a whole slice because it’s really beautiful to look at!
    Pro Tip: I usually like to fan out the whole slices on the corner of a board.

  • Open the package of Blue Danube Smoked Pork Back Bacon. Fan out the whole slices of Back Bacon onto the board.
    Pro Tip: Because I chose to display my entire package of Back Bacon in the same way (whole slices), I fanned out the Back Bacon in several different spots on the board (rather than in one large pile)

  • Open the container of Rex Ciborum Foie Gras Duck Patte and remove the Patte. Cut Patte up into slices. Fan out the slices onto the board.
    Pro Tip: Again, I like to fan out the slices in several different areas on the board.



On this board, I placed all of the cheese on the outer edges of the board (just like the meat) so that I kept the middle of the board empty for crackers.

  • Cut up your Blue Danube Emmental Cheese into small cubes. Create a few piles with the cubes on your board and layer the piles as high as you safely can.

  • Open your package of Cranberry Goat Cheese. Cut the Goat Cheese loaf in half and place in two different areas on your board.
    Pro Tip: When planning your spread, keep in mind that you will be adding a knife/spoon beside the Goat cheese. But, you can add the knife/spoon at the very end.

  • Crackers:

  • Now you can finally fill the space in the middle of your board! Fan out the two different types of crackers that you have onto the board to fill the empty spaces. Make sure you put enough crackers for the amount of people eating from the board (at least a few crackers per person).
    Pro Tip: Putting the Crackers in the middle fanned out the way I did leads your eye down the board. It also creates a “home base” for peoples’ eyes on the board. They start with their cracker at “home base” and then can fan out and choose from the large selection of toppings.
    Pro Tip: I always use at least 2 different types of crackers/breads to give people variety.

  • Extra Goodies:

  • Now my personal favourite part - Butter Tarts! I add them before all other goodies to make sure that I have space to add as many as I want. I used mini Butter Tarts but you can also use regular sized Tarts and cut them in half. Decide how many Butter Tarts you want to add (how many people x how many you’d like each person to eat) and add them all around the board.
    Pro Tip: I used a mixed package of Tarts that included Butter, Lemon and Rhaspberry because this brought an assortment of beautiful colours to my board that matched my colour scheme. The Tarts can add a lot of pop to your board!

  • Next, take your figs and cut them in half lengthwise. Place the figs all over your board.
    Pro Tip: I like to spread the Figs out in groups of 1-4 all over my board, rather than in large piles.

  • Take your apple and cut it up into slices. Spread the slices out onto your board.

  • And now the big step of completion that really brings the Automn feeling to your board. Take your Sunflower seeds and spread them into every area where your Board is still showing. Cover every area of Board with the sunflower seeds and feel free to sprinkle a few extra over a few items as well. This really gives the board an Abundant and Harvest feel to it.

  • Finally, add all serving utensils needed - knives, spoons.

That’s it! Serve and Enjoy!


Quick & Easy Recipes

Quick & Easy Recipes to get you through the quarentine!

Using basic ingredients that you can find around the house, these recipes are sure to please all members of your quarentine family!

Sweet Bacon-Wrapped Sausage Bites


Our Mini Sweet Bacon-Wrapped Sausages are perfect for sharing, although you may not want to!



  • Blue Danube Mild Debreceni Sausage - 2pc

  • Blue Danube Naturally Smoked Side Bacon - 1 package

  • Brown Sugar - 1 cup packed

  • Coca Cola - 3/4 cup



1. Pre-Heat oven to 375 F.

2. Cut Blue Danube Mild Debreceni Sausages in half lengthwise. Then, cut each half into three equal pieces.

3. Cut each strip of Blue Danube Naturally Smoked Side Bacon in half.


4. Make the Sweet Brown Sugar Glaze. In a small saucepan, mix Coca Cola and Brown sugar together.

5. Place saucepan on the stove on medium-low heat. Stir often and heat until mixture is smooth and flowy (approximately 10 minutes). Keep mixture warm on low heat.


6. Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray a thin layer of non-stick spray.

7. Take one half-piece of Side Bacon and wrap around Debreceni Sausage. When putting the Debreceni onto your baking dish, try to tuck the Side Bacon ends on the bottom of the sausage so that they stay in place. If this does not work, use a toothpick to secure.

Wrap all pieces of Debreceni with Side Bacon and place on tray.


8. Brush Bacon-Wrapped Debreceni with your Sweet Brown Sugar Glaze. Use approximately half of the mixture.

9. Put the tray in the oven for 15 minutes.


10. Take tray out of the oven.
Brush the remainder of your Sweet Brown Sugar Glaze onto your Debreceni.

11. Put the tray back in the oven.


12. Take tray out of the oven and let cool for approximately 10 minutes.

Plate and Enjoy!


Salami Skewers


My Favourite Hungarian Salad-On-A-Stick!



  • Blue Danube Gyulai Sausage Substitute: Blue Danube Csabai Sausage, Blue Danube Csabai Garlic Sausage - 1-2 pc

  • Blue Danube Teli Salami - 1 package

  • Blue Danube Csabai Salami Substitute: Blue Danube Gyulai Salami - 1 package

  • Blue Danube Double Smoked Cheddar Cheese - Cut into Cubes - 1-2 cubes per skewer

  • Grape Tomatoes - 1 per skewer

  • Small Bocconcini Cheese - 1-2 per skewer

  • Lettuce - Washed & Dried

  • Wooden Skewers



1. Decide how many skewers you want to make & select your ingredients accordingly (typically 1-2 of each ingredient per skewer)

2. Cut the Blue Danube Gyulai Sausage diagonally into slices.

3. Cut each leaf of lettuce into half (or quarters, if leafs are very large)

4. Start with a piece of cheese (bocconcini or Blue Danube Double Smoked Cheddar) and pierce it through the sharp end of the skewer. Push it to the opposite end of the skewer.

5. Next, add a piece of Gyulai Sausage.

6. Grab a piece of lettuce that you have cut up. Fold the lettuce until it is approximately the same surface area as the Gyulai Salami (or a bit bigger). Add the folded-up lettuce onto the skewer, piercing through all layers.

7. Add Teli Salami. Fold slice of salami loosely in half, then fold again in half loosely. Add onto skewer, piercing through all layers.


8. Add a grape tomato to skewer.


9. Add Csabai Salami to skewer. Fold Csabai Salami slice in half loosely, then loosely fold in half again. Add to skewer, piercing through all layers.

10. Add another piece of lettuce, folded up.

11. Add another slice of Gyulai Sausage.

12. Add a piece of cheese (bocconcini or Blue Danube Double Smoked Cheddar).
Pro Tip: I like to mix up the cheese variations on the skewers. In my recipe, some skewers had 1 of each type of cheese, while some had the same kind on both ends.


Plate and Enjoy!


Egg and Bacon Breakfast Cups


Made with Blue Danube Naturally Smoked Side Bacon, my Egg & Bacon Breakfast Cups are a quick and easy breakfast that are packed with protein to get you started on the right track for any day!



  • Blue Danube Naturally Smoked Side Bacon - 1 Package

  • Eggs - I used 9 in this recipe to make 9 Breakfast Cups

  • Green Onion - 1 pc cut into rings

  • Blue Danube Granulated Garlic

  • Blue Danube Sweet Hungarian Paprika Powder

  • Onion Powder

  • Salt & Pepper

  • Optional: Mozzarella Cheese - shredded



1. Pre-heat the oven to 400 F.

2. Soften some butter at room temperature and, with a paper towel, spread a thin layer of butter onto your muffin tray to avoid sticking. You can also use a non-stick spray.

3. Open package of Blue Danube Naturally Smoked Side Bacon and line each cup in your muffin tray with one piece. Once all of your cups are lined with bacon, cut up a few pieces of Side Bacon into approx. 2 inch pieces. Line the bottom of each muffin cup with a small piece of Side Bacon. I made 9 cups using 12 pieces of Side Bacon.


4. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

5. Take tray out of the oven.
Use a paper towel to dab out excess oil.

6. Crack an egg into each muffin cup.

7. Spice up the egg! Add salt, pepper, Blue Danube Garlic Powder, Blue Danube Sweet Paprika Powder, and onion powder. Sprinkle each spice on top but do not mix!

8. Optional: Add mozzarella cheese.


9. Bake for approx. 10 minutes. Keep an eye on your eggs and bake them until the top is fully cooked (with no runny egg) and fluffy in appearance. I normally keep mine in for an extra 2-3 minutes.

10. Remove pan from the oven and let cool for about 10 minutes. Letting the eggs cool will make them easier to remove without breaking.

11. Sprinkle green onion on top.

12. Run a butter knife around the edges of each breakfast cup to make the cups easier to take out.
Remove from muffin mold with a spoon or the side of a knife.

Plate and enjoy!


Tomato, Spinach & Bacon Flatbread Pizza


My Tomato, Spinach & Bacon Flatbread Pizza is loaded with Garlic and Cheesy flavour and can be used either as an appetizer or a main course!



  • Blue Danube Naturally Smoked Back Bacon - 1 Package

  • Cherry Tomatoes (Marinated)- Approx. 10 pieces

  • Goat Cheese - Approx. 1/2 large loaf

  • Parmesan Cheese

  • Spinach - Approx. 2 large handfuls

  • Basil - Approx. 1 small handful

  • Garlic - Chopped (approx. 3 cloves)

  • 1 Flatbread/Pizza Crust - I used 1 pizza crust for this recipe

  • Blue Danube Garlic Powder

  • Onion Powder

  • Italian Seasoning

  • Oil - I used Extra Virgin Olive Oil



1. Marinate your cherry tomatoes before getting started on the rest of your recipe. You want to let them marinade in the fridge for at least 10 minutes before adding them to the pizza.

How to Marinate Cherry Tomatoes:
1. Cut cherry tomatoes in half lengthwise. Put them into a tupperware container.
2. Drizzle a bit of Oil onto the tomatoes.
3. Add a small pinch of salt, pepper, Blue Danube Garlic Powder, onion powder, and Italian Seasoning. Mix together.
4. Put on a lid and let them sit in the fridge for at least 10 minutes.

2. Pre-heat the oven to 425 F.

3. Sauté the Spinach in garlic.

How to Sauté Spinach:
1. Heat up some oil in a frying pan on medium heat.
2. Add in about 2/3 of your chopped garlic.
3. Add in spinach. Cook for about 2 minutes or until the spinach begins to wilt.
4. Remove from heat.

Pro Tip: You need to start with at least double the amount of spinach that you want to have on your pizza, as the size greatly reduces when it is sautéed.


4. Spread a thin layer of Oil and the remainder of the chopped garlic onto the pizza crust/flatbread. Sprinkle a little bit of salt, pepper, onion powder, and Italian seasoning evenly onto pizza. Make sure to cover the entire pizza to the edges.

5. Cut your loaf of goat cheese into thick slices and place onto the pizza. Add as much as you would like and spread them evenly throughout the entire pizza. I used about 9 slices.

6. Put your cooked spinach onto the pizza. Spread evenly.


7. Add marinated cherry tomatoes throughout the entire pizza.


8. Bake for approx. 10 minutes.
Pro Tip: Keep an eye on your pizza starting at the 8 minute mark to make sure that it doesn’t overcook. Some ovens vary with their cooking time.

9. While the pizza is cooking, open the package of Blue Danube Naturally Smoked Back Bacon. Chop up the Back Bacon pieces into thin strips, about 1-2 inches long and 1cm wide. You can use as much Back Bacon as you would like!

10. Grab one handful of fresh Basil and chop it up into thin strips, similar to the size of the Back Bacon.

11. Take the pizza out of the oven.

12. Add Back Bacon strips on top of pizza.
Pro Tip: I always make sure I put a few strips of the Back Bacon directly onto the melted goat cheese.

13. Add fresh Basil strips on top of pizza.

14. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top of pizza.

Cut up, Plate, and Enjoy!


Spicy & Cheesy Hungarian Sausage Dip


Perfect for the Super Bowl or any other Party or Gathering, my Spicy & Cheesy Hungarian Sausage Dip is jam packed with Hot & Delicious flavour and can be made in about 35 minutes!



  • 1 pair of Blue Danube Hungarian Hot Fresh Sausage Substitution: Blue Danube Hungarian Mild Fresh Sausage, Blue Danube Double Garlic Fresh Sausage

  • Blue Danube Garlic Powder - approx. 3/4 teaspoon

  • Blue Danube Chili Flakes - a few flakes, depending on how spicy you want your dip to be.

  • Goat Cheese - 1 tube

  • Parmesan Cheese - 3 spoonfuls

  • Mozzarella Cheese - 1-2 large handfuls

  • 1 Can Diced Tomatoes

  • S&F Pepperoncinis - 5-8 pcs diced up

  • Onion Powder - approx. 3/4 teaspoon

  • Italian Seasoning - approx. 3/4 teaspoon



1. Prepare for the recipe!
Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.
Take the goat cheese out of the fridge to soften it up.
Pro Tip: I am a HUGE fan of goat cheese, so although my recipe calls for 1 tube, I often make this using 1 large tube and 1 small tube of goat cheese for extra creaminess.

2. Heat up some oil in a frying pan on medium heat.

3. The first step is to cook your Fresh Sausages.
Before putting your Sausage in frying pan, make an incision lengthwise into each sausage to break the casing.
Remove the casing from sausages.
Pro Tip: When you want to use Sausages as a base meat for a recipe such as a dip (where you want the consistency to be relatively smooth), taking the casing off is a great idea because it allows you to break down the Sausage into ground meat. It also helps to cook the Sausage quickly.


4. Fry up the Hungarian Hot Sausage in your pan on medium heat until it is cooked. Use a spoon to break up the sausage in the pan until it is spread out. The goal is to have the sausage cooked and broken down into ground up meat.
Pro Tip: You can feel confident that your Sausage is ready when all of the meat is brown in colour. The best method is to slowly brown it at medium or medium-low heat and to use your spoon to mix up the meat every few minutes to make sure that it is being cooked evenly. You are going to be baking the sausage as well so you don’t want to overcook it. The benefit of using Sausage as your base meat for a recipe is that it is already spiced and full of flavour, so you don’t need to worry about adding in any extra spices or salt.
Pro Tip: I use a spoon to break up the Sausage in order to avoid excessive scratching damage to my frying pan (the type of damage that a knife or fork could leave). You can also use rubber utensils.


Once cooked, take your pan off heat and put it aside to cool down.

5. In a large casserole dish, mix in all of the ingredients (minus the Mozzarella cheese and 1/3 of the Parmesan cheese).

I like to mix mine in this order:
- Add in diced tomatoes and goat cheese. Mix together.
- Add spices
- Dice up Pepperoncinis and add in. Mix everything together.
- Drain the Sausage Meat and add into recipe.
- Add 3/4 of your Parmesan Cheese. Mix everything together.

Pro Tip: My favourite method to drain the Sausage meat is to remove the
meat from the frying pan using a ladle that has holes/slits in it. This way,
I can drain the access oil and put the meat right into my recipe.

6. Once you have mixed in all of the ingredients, put a generous layer of Mozzarella cheese and your leftover Parmesan cheese onto the top of the casserole.


7. Bake in the oven uncovered for 15 minutes.

8. Broil in the oven uncovered for 5 minutes.

Take out of the oven, let sit for 5 minutes, and enjoy!!
Crackers, Chips, Baguettes, or Pita Bread work great in this recipe for dipping!
