dry cured pork

Blue Danube Meat-Tinis


Ring in the New Year in true Blue Danube style with our DIY Covid-Friendly Personal Charcuterie Flutes!


Try all Four:

  • Fruity Meat-Tini

  • Candy Meat-Tini

  • Meaty Meat-Tini

  • Boozy Meat-Tini


Fruity Meat-Tini

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  • Fill the bottom of your champagne flute with Grapes, alternating the colours. Fill about 1/3 of the flute.

  • Add in Blueberries. Fill another 1/3 of the flute.

  • Make your skewer! Fold up a slice of Blue Danube Smoked Pork Schinken and put it on the skewer. Next, add a Strawberry. Roll up a slice of Blue Danube Smoked Pork Back Bacon and pierce it through the skewer. Next, add a Grape. Fold and add another slice of Back Bacon and finish off your skewer with a Blueberry. Place the skewer inside the flute.

  • If you still have space left in the flute, add more Berries or Grapes.

  • Serve & Enjoy!


Candy Meat-Tini

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  • Fill 1/3 of the bottom of the flute with Skittles

  • Fill up another 1/3 of the flute with Gummy Bears

  • Make the Skewer! Fold up one slice of Blue Danube Dry Pork Schinken and add it to the skewer. Fold up a Sour Strap Candy and add it next. Fold up and add a Blue Danube Turista Salami to the skewer. Then, add a Sour Key and a rolled up Blue Danube Back Bacon. Next, add 3 Life Saver Gummies. Finally, top it off with a folded Blue Danube Hot Gyulai Salami for some added spice! Put the Skewer into the flute.

  • If there’s any space left in the flute, fill it up with Gummy Bears or Skittles.

  • Serve & Enjoy!

Meaty Meat-Tini

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  • Cut up Blue Danube Crocodile Csabettes into 1inch pieces. Fill up 1/3 of the flute with Csabettes.

  • Dice up your Cheese into small cubes. Fill up another 1/3 of the flute with cubed cheese.

  • Make the skewer! Start by folding up a Blue Danube Hot Gyulai Salami slice and putting it onto the skewer. Next, add a folded up slice of Blue Danube Smoked Pork Schinken and a slice of Blue Danube Hunter Sausage. Roll up a piece of Blue Danube Smoked Turista Salami and put it onto the skewer, followed by a folded up Blue Danube Garlic Salami and a rolled up Blue Danube Smoked Pork Back Bacon. Add another piece of Hunter Sausage to seal the deal. Put the skewer into the flute!

  • Stick in a few Pretzel sticks.

  • If there is any extra space, fill with Csabettes or Cheese.

  • Serve & Enjoy!

Boozy Meat-Tini

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  • If desired, salt the rim of your flute!

  • Add a bit of ice to your flute

  • Add in a few shakes of Tabasco sauce (to your liking)

  • Add in a few shakes of Worchestire sauce (to your liking)

  • Add 0.5 - 1 ounce of Vodka in your flute (depending on how strong you want it).

  • Stir!

  • Add in Clamato Juice to fill up about 2/3 of the flute.

  • Shake in some salt & pepper (to your liking)

  • Stir!

  • Make the Skewer! Start with a folded piece of Blue Danube Smoked Pork Back Bacon. Next, add on a slice of Blue Danube Hunter Sausage. Then, add a cube of cheese and a Hot Pepper. Fold up a Blue Danube Hot Gyulai Salami and a Blue Danube Smoked Pork Schinken and add them to the skewer. Followed by another slice of Hunter Sausage, and another slice of Gyulai Salami. Put the skewer into the flute and position it so that as much of the skewer is outside of the liquid as possible.

  • Serve & enjoy!